Emotional support animal esa letter template

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Here Is What A Sample ESA Letter Looks Like

July 12th, 2018 Contents hide

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are designed for people in distress. They offer a constant, comforting presence in the face of uncomfortable symptoms from anxiety, depression, autism, bipolar, PTSD, and more.

In order to have a legitimate support animal, you will need to obtain an emotional support animal letter which you can only get by speaking with a licensed mental health professional. This letter confirms your need for the support animal and states that you are under the care of a licensed doctor or therapist who has prescribed to you an emotional support animal because he/she believes that the animal helps alleviate your symptoms and brings you therapeutic benefits.

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Calling into your family doctor or researching the right therapist and then traveling to their office for the appointment can take a long time – time that most of us don’t have to spare. At Therapy Pet – we understand that. Which is why we help connect you with a legally licensed therapist over the phone to get an emotional support animal letter.

The process is quick, simple, and confidential. But most importantly, you will have a legal emotional support animal letter if you qualify. Once you have your letter, you then immediately can:

  1. Fly on commercial airlines flights with your support animal without having to pay a pet fee
  2. Live in “No Pet” housing without having to pay additional animal fees or face discrimination from your landlord or property owner

To begin the process, take the simple Qualification Screening after clicking on the red button below.

see if you qualify button

Sample Emotional Support Animal Letter

NAME OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL (doctor, therapist, rehabilitation counselor, psychiatrist)

Dear (to whom it may concern)

(Name of the ESA owner/handler) is my patient, and has been under my care since (DATE). I am intimately aware of his/her medical history and functional restrictions brought by his/her mental condition. He/she meets the definition of disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Fair Housing Act.

As a result of mental illness, (FIRST NAME OF THE PATIENT) has certain limitations related to (anxiety, depression, social interaction, phobias, etc.). In order to assist in alleviating these difficulties, and to improve their ability to lead a better life while fully enjoying and using the dwelling unit you own and/or manage, I am prescribing an ESA prescription letter that will help (FIRST NAME OF THE PATIENT)in dealing with his/her disability better.

I am very much aware of the voluminous professional literature related to the therapeutic benefits of emotional support animals for individuals with mental disabilities, such as that faced by (FIRST NAME OF THE PATIENT). Upon request, I will share quotations to relevant studies and would be more than willing to answer any questions that you may have regarding my recommendation that (FULL NAME OF THE ESA OWNER/HANDLER) should have an emotional support animal. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.



Importance of a Legitimate ESA Letter

therapy pet

At present day, so many online sites are popping up that claim to issue genuine ESA letters. These sites are a scam just waiting to empty your pockets. However, there are also sites present that genuinely offer what they promise; a real ESA prescription recommended by licensed doctors or therapists. We are one of them, Therapy Pet, a company that specializes in offering individuals ESA letters the quick and easy way.

see if you qualify button

When you visit their website, you are required to a free ESA assessment that tells you whether you qualify for the letter. All this is carried by a licensed therapist who reviews your assessment and decides if you should be issued the letter. Their letters contain the therapist’s license number assigned to your assessment, which means your ESA prescription can be easily verified by confirming the genuineness of the therapist who wrote it.

Keep in mind that walking around with a fake ESA letter could get could you into a lot of trouble, not mention it may even end up putting you in the airlines’ or property manager’s blacklist. Airlines and landlords today are smart, so don’t think they won’t notice that you are trying to trick them. A fake ESA letter can cause you serious embarrassment, and a lot of hassle, and are just not worth the trouble. So make the right choice, choose a reputable online site, such as Therapy Pet.

Fake ESA Letters vs. Real Requirements

Who Can Write The ESA Letter



Companion Animal Letter FAQs

What Is An ESA Letter?

An emotional support animal letter is a prescription letter from a licensed mental health professional that states you benefit from the companionship your pet provides you.

How Long Do ESA Letters Last?

Emotional support animal letters last for 365 days (1 year). They can be renewed each year that you suffer from mental health symptoms.

How Long Does It Take To Get An Emotional Support Animal Letter?

The process can take as little as 24 hours. To begin, fill out this simple questionnaire in order to qualify to speak to a licensed mental health professional over the phone.